Another Pinafore Dress
The fabric is from, and cost about $2.99 a yard, but I am not all too impressed with the quality. I guess you get what you pay for.

So this is what I am working on right now.
My sister showed me the clothing on the Pottery Barn website. They really have some beautiful garments. I love this outfit, and combined with a signature on the front of the outfit, I think this is gorgeous. I went to Joann's and bought some Velveteen right away. I also think it will look beautiful in red or black corduroy. I am taking a pattern from Ottobre, since I know it fits. I found a pattern with a bodice or front yoke piece and have altered the skirt to include two pleats on both the front and back skirt pieces. I cannot wait to see how it looks when I am finished. If I get it finished.
O. has not been feeling well. She ha
s a horrible cold. Yes again. I think this is the fifth one since she was born. Of course, everytime I pick up Nicolas from Prek, she is coming in contact with all of those germs. It is no wonder she is constantly sick. We missed our Picture day because of the cold, and N. had two black eyes (another story). Here she is posing in her new dress. She looked so cute. I hope that we will get out to see Santa and take some pictures. Not now, because she is so fussy and won't let anyone handle her. N. has two black eyes because he went running through the garage and hit his head on a piece of wood. Seriously, it hurt to look at him. He looked like a Star Trek character. Everyone thought he rubbed magic marker on top of his nose. We were all lined up to take pictures in his school the next day. What a shame! Oh well, they both gained two nice outfits, and I did not spend any money. However, I would have liked to have pictures. They are both having so much fun with each other. Maybe I can find someone else to sneak us in before the holidays. We will have to see.
Cute pinafore and O looks precious in her Ottobre dress
sweet little dress! i did not know pottery barn sold clothing. it is interesting how the clothing has that distinctive pottery barn look.
the dress with the inverted pleats looks like an easy adaptation from ottobre. it will adorable
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